Steps To Avoid Slips And Falls In Your Business

Steps To Avoid Slips And Falls In Your Business


You are fully responsible for yourself and any other human being you employ in your business. That is why it is essential to consider their safety and yours, too. Injuries have become common in different companies, some of which result from slips and falls. If that happens in your enterprise, you may want to get a slip and fall injury attorney to help you with the case. Fortunately, there are a few steps, such as those explained below, that you can follow to ensure you prevent such accidents.

Ensure The Floors Are Dry

One of the major causes of tripping, slipping, and falling is wet floors. Such incidences mainly occur when you wash the floor, or there is water spillage, and your workers or even you walk on it. One of the things you should embrace is making sure that the workplace floors are dry. Sliding on wet surfaces can cause severe injuries, some of which may even land you or one of your workers in a wheelchair or death. Some of the most common places to ensure the surfaces are always dry include shower stores, the parking lot, and food preparation areas.

Ensure You Have Proper Lighting

A lack of proper lighting can be a significant cause of falls and slips in your business. That is because everyone in that company depends on appropriate lighting to take their steps properly. If you have an electrician in the building, you should instruct them on how much light you want at every part of your commercial premises. Alternatively, you can hire a professional electrician to do that kind of work. Electricity bills are the major contributors to your business’ utility expenses. Fortunately, you can opt to go natural by ensuring that your business’ roof lets in enough natural light. That will not only help you prevent slips and falls, but it will also be a sign of caring for the environment.

Ensure You Put On The Right Shoes

It may not sound like it, but the shoes you wear to work matter a lot when it comes to preventing you from slipping and sliding. For this reason, you need to be on the lookout for the sleekness of your shoe’s soles and those of your employees. Besides that, you need to ensure your shoelaces and those of your employees are well-tied. The main reason to remember this is because whenever you face a fall or slipcase in your company, you must investigate the victim’s shoes to find out whether they had anything to do with the accident. This is why it is recommendable for you and your employees to put on shoes that match their roles.

Tie Your Cords Properly

A company runs on many pieces of equipment that require wire connections, and yours is not an exception. Sometimes, such wires and cables can cause a fall or slide among your employees. That is why it is advisable to ensure that such items are put in the right place. This is where you think about the phone, power, and internet cords. The best thing to do here is to install such cables and cords behind the wall or below the carpet to ensure that no one trips on them and falls. Additionally, it is advisable to have power outlets, phone jacks, and internet connections at easily accessible points.

Running a business means you have to be wary of yourself and other people and work hard to ensure everyone is safe. Injury-related cases are on the rise today, but you can follow the above tips to ensure you minimize them as much as possible in your business.
