KVPY Question Paper and KVPY Mock Test

KVPY Question Paper and KVPY Mock Test


KVPY is an examination conducted by the Indian Institute of Sciences to encourage students to take up a career in research. The examination is conducted once a year. The candidates who score well in the examination will be granted scholarships for a period of 5 years. The students from Class 11, Class 12, and 1st year of a bachelor’s degree in science can appear for the examination. The examination is divided into three streams for students of different classes. The students in class 11 can appear for the SA stream, the students in class 12 can appear for the SX stream and the students who have enrolled for the 1st year of degree can appear for the SB stream. The scholarship of the selected students will get activated only after they join for an undergraduate course in basic sciences.

The application form for KVPY will be available online. There are three steps to complete the application of KVPY successfully. The first step is to register for the examination by entering the name and contact details, the second step is to fill in the personal details, academic details and to upload the photos, certificates and signature. The next step is to pay the application fee. The application fee can be paid online. The admit card for the examination will be provided a few weeks before the examination. The candidates must download the admit card and carry it to the examination centre.

KVPY Question Paper

Solving the previous years’ question papers is very important to get an excellent score in the examination. It is one of the best preparation methods for the entrance examinations. Practising KVPY question papers from the past years will help the students to get a better understanding of the question paper pattern, find important topics, weightage given to the various topics, time management, learn the best approach to solve the question faster and also self-access the preparation level and find out the weak areas.

Learning using previous year’s question papers will further help the students to gain confidence and have a positive attitude towards the examination.

KVPY Online Mock test

The best way to self-access the preparation level is by taking mock tests frequently. By taking mock tests students will get acquainted with the computer-based examination and ultimately score better in the examination. The KVPY Mock Test helps the students to analyse their strengths and to understand the key areas for improvement. Mock tests also help the students to understand the basic concepts. The KVPY mock test is a time-based examination, hence it helps the students in time management and to handle the pressure due to the short duration of time given for the examination.

The KVPY 2021, which was scheduled on 7th November 2021 has been postponed due to the petition filed in the court over the regional language issue. The new date of the examination will be announced by the Indian Institute of Sciences soon on the official website.
