Things To Know Before Preparing For Class 7 CBSE Examinations

Things To Know Before Preparing For Class 7 CBSE Examinations


As students, taking up tests/examinations from time to time is mandatory to complete any course or term of education. Exams and tests are a transcendent way to assess what the students have learned concerning particular subjects. Also, exams are a great way for teachers to discover more about the students themselves.

Along with the exams comes added stress and mental pressure. Due to the lack of proper preparation and confidence, most students do not perform well or even under perform in the examinations. Hence, having a solid preparation for any examination is mandatory to avoid such discomforts.

Students belonging to CBSE Class 7 (general group) have basically five subjects in total to prepare for any of their academic examinations. These subjects include Mathematics, Science, Social Studies, English and preferred second language. Students generally undergo two major examinations in their academic year, and those are the half-yearly and annual examinations. Thus, in order to perform well in these examinations, students will need a solid foundation of the key concepts presented in every subject. For CBSE Class 7 Science, it’s highly recommended that students use the NCERT Solutions for Class 7 Science to attain a comprehensive understanding of all the important concepts. Students can refer to these solutions to clarify doubts instantly or whenever they get stuck during their preparations during any time of learning or solving a problem from the exercises.

Further, CBSE Class 7 Science revision notes and worksheets are available to students for free, and hence, they can make the best use of them to obtain a firm grip over the subject. In addition, students can access the previous year question papers and sample papers and get acquainted with the latest exam patterns as well as the marking schemes.

Apart from Science of CBSE Class 7, Social Studies is also an important subject. For students who are aiming to score a high aggregate in the annual examinations, it’s essential to perform well in Social Studies too. Thus, in order to aid students with their preparations, the NCERT Solutions for Class 7 Social Science is made available for free.

By referring to these solutions, students will be introduced to a better way of representing their answers, which in turn will boost exam performance. Moreover, all the solutions are created by individual subject matter experts after conducting vast research in the subject and analysing the exam patterns and marking schemes.

History, Geography and Civics are the subjects present in NCERT Social Studies for Class 7. Subject-wise solutions are available for all these NCERT textbooks so that students can kick start preparations or quickly refer to them with ease. Also, these resources are available to students in both online text view format and as downloadable PDFs in offline mode.

Ultimately, it comes down to effective planning and execution to ensure a solid preparation for any exam that matters. Consequently, making a realistic and achievable study plan is vital to achieving desired academic goals set by students. Revisions are a must as it provides an opportunity for students to strengthen their weaker areas of the subject. Maintaining a healthy body and mind is crucial, and it boosts self-confidence as well.
