Five Essay Examples Which Will Show You How To Start A Paper

Five Essay Examples Which Will Show You How To Start A Paper


You will be expected to write essays as you advance through education. The essays will become more nuanced and challenging as you move through education. You must learn how to write successful essays that communicate effectively and achieve specific goals from an early age. Project management assignment is organizing, processing, motivating, and managing assets to accomplish specific goals. A project is a defined attempt to achieve objectives and goals with a defined beginning and end. Project Management assignment Help lightens the student’s load and encourages them to focus on their exams by grasping concepts in a less complicated manner. A written composition in which you present a particular concept and then back it up with facts, statements, interpretation, and explanations is an essay. On the other hand, the essay is divided into three sections: an introduction, a body, and a conclusion.

Some examples:

1. Narrative Essays: Narration is when you tell a story from a certain point of view, and there is typically a justification for it. Characters, atmosphere, climax, and, most importantly, plot are all present in narrative essays. The plot is the main focus of the story and is usually revealed in chronological order, though flash-forwards and flashbacks are sometimes used. Here are some pointers to help you get started writing a personal narrative essay.

Example of a narrative essay:

“The afternoon had become so gloomy that the arc lights were switched on in the sixth inning—always a sad sight in the daytime, like the burning headlights of a funeral procession.” Fisher was slicing through the Sox rookies, aided by the gloom, and Williams did not come to bat in the seventh. In the eighth inning, he was second on the mound.

2. Descriptive Essays:

Descriptive essays go into great detail about the traits and characteristics of individuals, objects, incidents, and feelings. The information given will be thoroughly investigated. If you were describing roses, for example, you might want to include the following information:

Example of descriptive essay:

“Like his twisted feathers and scars, the dependable old owl always chose the gnarled, weather-beaten, but sturdy branch – it being a companion to the wise alone with the night and the last branch to creak in the heaviest wind – as a companion to the wise alone with the night.”Before his search, he would come to survey the fields and clouds, listening to the steady sound of the stream flowing through the reeds under the bridge while combing his feathers for unwanteds – whatever they may be.”

3. Expository Essay:

Expository essays contrast, investigate, and address issues. Although they do have a storytelling aspect to them, their aim is far bigger. It’s often to clarify to the reader any main idea. As a result, they provide information, descriptions, and explanations.

Example of expository Essay:

“This family was a victim of a crisis they should have prevented,” according to Florida park rangers. “Several times a month,” O’Leno State Park Ranger Rod Torres said, “people get scared and leave the park in the middle of the night.”Those individuals choose the incorrect type of park to visit. Not that there was something wrong with the park: The hikers camped next to them raved about how beautiful it was and how much they enjoyed the wild solitude. But it wasn’t the kind of location the New Jersey couple had in mind when they wanted to camp out on their Florida road trip.”

4. Argumentative Essays:

The writer of an argumentative essay is attempting to persuade the reader of something. He or she will show whether a subject is true or false. The writer’s argument will be supported by proof, such as statistics or expert opinion. In these essays, the writer is not simply expressing an opinion; instead, he or she is making a case for or against something backed up by evidence. To write an argumentative article, you must conduct an analysis and provide evidence to support your claims. Here are several pointers on how to write an argumentative essay in more depth.

Argumentative Essay Examples:

“Get rid of all the prescription bottles and boxes in your building.” According to a new hypothesis, medication can be harmful to your wellbeing, which is good news for people who can’t afford costly medicine. However, it is a setback for the medical industry and an even bigger setback for our scientific advancement confidence. This new hypothesis claims that healing is right at our fingertips and that we can stay safe by doing Reiki regularly.”

5. A compare and contrast essay:

Compares and contrasts two objects, typically to make a larger argument, by putting them side by side and pointing out their similarities and differences. Body paragraphs in compare and contrast essays are generally divided into two sections: a comparison section and a contrast section.

Example of compare and contrast essay

Many people assume that college is simply an extension of high school. As you step into a college campus, though, you can’t forget the distinctions between the two. It’s not just about the newfound independence! Examine the structure, teaching style, and grading to see if college and high school are similar and different.

The structure is obvious in high school. Students have practised it for at least the last eight years of their lives. Students study different subjects in structured time intervals for about 6 hours a day or 30 hours a week. Buses transport students to and from school to ensure that everybody is present.


You want to be as concise as possible, restate the points you’ve already made in the essay, and be persuasive. You should be able to get the procedure down in no time with a little practice and revision. If you need assistance revising your conclusion or another aspect of your article, seek guidance from a trusted teacher or a writing center, or hire one of our competent editors to provide you with a second opinion. More info to visit:
